
Friday, 28 February 2020

Grade Two and Three Celebration of Learning!

Our students in Grades Two and Three have been working hard to prepare for their upcoming Celebration of Learning on March 5th!  In addition to sharing special projects in their homerooms, each grade group will also share their learning in the music program.

Grade Two classes have been learning about the Arctic, Environmental Science and the role of water in a healthy and productive world. As a reflection on this important work, students will present a piece of music called, "Earth! We're In It Together!"  Click on the image below to sing along with the song!
Click HERE to sing along with "Earth!"

In response to their inquiry work in their homerooms, the Grade Three classes will be retelling the true story of Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of Gambia. Some students have created ways of representing elements of the story with patterns on the xylophones, while others have been learning how to accompany the final song with melody chimes.  Click on the image below to sing along with the song, "Working Together"!
Click HERE to sing along with "Working Together".